<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="heading-elements">
        Heading elements
        Heading 1
        Heading 2
        Heading 3
        Heading 4
        Heading 5
        Heading 6
<div id="heading-classes">
        Heading classes
        These are paragraph tags with heading classes.
    <p class="h1">
        Heading 1
    <p class="h2">
        Heading 2
    <p class="h3">
        Heading 3
    <p class="h4">
        Heading 4
    <p class="h5">
        Heading 5
    <p class="h6">
        Heading 6
<div id="heading-spacing">
        Heading spacing
        Heading 1 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 2 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 3 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 4 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 5 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 6 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
<div id="heading-markers">
        Heading markers
        Larger headings (H1, H2, H3) use an angled element for emphasis, whereas
        medium (H4) and small headings (H5, h6) use a border to emphasize the
    <h1 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 1
    <h2 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 2
    <h3 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 3
    <h4 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 4
    <h5 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 5
    <h6 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 6
        Using heading markers
        To add a marker to a heading, add the <code>.cwf-marker</code> class to it.
        In t4, highlight the heading and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> t4_text-primary

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="paragraph-examples">
        Paragraph examples
    <p class="cwf-paragraph--lead cwf-paragraph--drop-cap">
        Make a leading paragraph stand out by adding a <code>
        </code> class to enlarge it and/or a <code>
        </code> class to emphasize the first letter. You can also use these classes
        on a wrapping element, and it will target the first paragraph automatically.
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed
        viverra ipsum. Maecenas et maximus arcu. Nullam in lorem id magna suscipit
        cursus. Fusce vitae nibh lacinia, posuere dolor et, sodales diam.
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis. Suspendisse euismod ligula nisl, egestas
        suscipit eros tempor vel. Donec laoreet, elit eget porttitor finibus,
        quam nunc feugiat sem, ac mollis tellus mauris sit amet lectus. Nullam
        semper ut justo quis pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
        adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan odio vel nisi tincidunt, in
        vestibulum nunc vulputate. Nulla vel enim ac diam tempor blandit eu in
        metus. Ut scelerisque mollis orci, sit amet dignissim nisi egestas eu.
        Praesent maximus ac libero in rutrum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus sapien non sapien consequat,
        eget molestie erat consectetur. Nullam iaculis auctor neque ut volutpat.
        Curabitur consequat urna mi, ut tempus dolor tempus id. Mauris a nisl id
        ligula egestas blandit. Pellentesque tincidunt metus ac eleifend
        maximus. Sed suscipit hendrerit tellus nec volutpat. Phasellus congue
        vulputate felis sit amet sollicitudin. Integer tempus ornare magna in
        ultricies. Duis eu enim id nibh porttitor hendrerit quis eu ligula.

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="text-uppercase">
        Uppercase text
    <p class="cwf-text--uppercase">
        This is an example of uppercase text.
        To make text uppercase, add the <code>.cwf-text--uppercase</code> class to
        it. In T4, highlight the text and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> T4_TEXT-UPPERCASE
<div id="text-lowercase">
        Lowercase text
    <p class="cwf-text--lowercase">
        To make text lowercase, add the <code>.cwf-text--lowercase</code> class to
        it. In T4, highlight the text and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> t4_text-lowercase
<div id="text-capitalize">
        Capitalized text
    <p class="cwf-text--capitalize">
        this is an example of capitalized text.
        To capitalize text, add the <code>.cwf-text--capitalize</code> class to it.
        In T4, highlight the text and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> t4_text-Capitalize
<div id="text-muted">
        Muted text
    <p class="cwf-text--muted">
        This is an example of muted text.
        To mute text, add the <code>.cwf-text--muted</code> class to it. In T4, highlight
        the text and select <code>Format -> Formats -> t4_text-muted</code>

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="blockquote-examples">
        Blockquote examples
            I am a very interesting paragraph in a blockquote that needs extra
            attention drawn to it.
            Name attributed to quote<br />
            Credentials<br />

            I am a very interesting paragraph in a blockquote that needs extra
            attention drawn to it.
            I am another paragraph in a blockquote.
            Name attributed to quote<br />
            Credentials<br />

            I am a very interesting paragraph in a blockquote that needs extra
            attention drawn to it.
            I am another paragraph in a blockquote.
            Name attributed to quote<br />
                Credentials<br />
<div id="blockquote-usage">
        Blockquote usage
        Manually add the closing quotes where applicable.
        The last paragraph gets a first line treatment of blue, bold and
        non-italic. To add credentials after name in t4, hold Shift and press

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="unordered-list">
        Unordered list
        <li>Unordered list item 1</li>
        <li>Unordered list item 2</li>
        <li>Unordered list item 3</li>
<div id="ordered-list">
        Ordered list
        <li>Ordered list item 1</li>
        <li>Ordered list item 2</li>
        <li>Ordered list item 3</li>
<div id="unstyled-list">
        Unstyled list
        To unstyle a list, add the <code>.cwf-list--unstyled</code> class to it.
    <ul class="cwf-list--unstyled">
        <li>Unordered and unstyled list item 1</li>
        <li>Unordered and unstyled list item 2</li>
        <li>Unordered and unstyled list item 3</li>
<div id="inline-list">
        Inline list
        To make a list inline, add the <code>.cwf-list--inline</code> class to it.
    <ol class="cwf-list--inline">
        <li>Ordered and inline list item 1</li>
        <li>Ordered and inline list item 2</li>
        <li>Ordered and inline list item 3</li>

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="button-example">
        Check out the <a href="/components/global/button">Button</a> example page.

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="responsive-table-column-headings">
        Responsive table (column headings)
            I am a table caption<br /><span class="mce-table-summary">
                I am a table summary
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                    1:1 one:one
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                    2:1 two:one
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                    3:1 three:one
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
<div id="responsive-table-column-row-headings">
        Responsive table (column/row headings)
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 1
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 2
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 3
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
<div id="responsive-table-first-body-row-of-ths">
        Responsive table (first body row of column headings)
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                    1:1 one:one
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                    2:1 two:one
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                    3:1 three:one
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
<div id="unresponsive-table">
        Unresponsive table
    <table data-responsive="false">
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 1
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 2
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 3
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five

<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="image-examples">
        <img src="https://picsum.photos/800/450" alt="Random image from picsum.photos" />
        <a title="link title" href="#">
            <img src="https://picsum.photos/1920/1080" alt="Random image from picsum.photos" />
{# Headings #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="heading-elements">
        Heading elements
        Heading 1
        Heading 2
        Heading 3
        Heading 4
        Heading 5
        Heading 6
<div id="heading-classes">
        Heading classes
        These are paragraph tags with heading classes.
    <p class="h1">
        Heading 1
    <p class="h2">
        Heading 2
    <p class="h3">
        Heading 3
    <p class="h4">
        Heading 4
    <p class="h5">
        Heading 5
    <p class="h6">
        Heading 6
<div id="heading-spacing">
        Heading spacing
        Heading 1 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 2 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 3 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 4 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 5 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
        Heading 6 element
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis.
<div id="heading-markers">
        Heading markers
        Larger headings (H1, H2, H3) use an angled element for emphasis, whereas
        medium (H4) and small headings (H5, h6) use a border to emphasize the
    <h1 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 1
    <h2 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 2
    <h3 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 3
    <h4 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 4
    <h5 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 5
    <h6 class="cwf-marker">
        Heading 6
        Using heading markers
        To add a marker to a heading, add the <code>.cwf-marker</code> class to it.
        In t4, highlight the heading and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> t4_text-primary
{# Paragraphs #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="paragraph-examples">
        Paragraph examples
    <p class="cwf-paragraph--lead cwf-paragraph--drop-cap">
        Make a leading paragraph stand out by adding a <code>
        </code> class to enlarge it and/or a <code>
        </code> class to emphasize the first letter. You can also use these classes
        on a wrapping element, and it will target the first paragraph automatically.
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed
        viverra ipsum. Maecenas et maximus arcu. Nullam in lorem id magna suscipit
        cursus. Fusce vitae nibh lacinia, posuere dolor et, sodales diam.
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus
        bibendum sem eu pharetra vestibulum. Praesent malesuada pellentesque
        augue nec porttitor. Aenean tortor velit,
        <a href="#">hendrerit placerat lorem eget</a>, laoreet cursus nibh.
        Quisque convallis blandit purus a ultrices. Ut elementum feugiat elit,
        et dictum sapien auctor quis. Suspendisse euismod ligula nisl, egestas
        suscipit eros tempor vel. Donec laoreet, elit eget porttitor finibus,
        quam nunc feugiat sem, ac mollis tellus mauris sit amet lectus. Nullam
        semper ut justo quis pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
        adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan odio vel nisi tincidunt, in
        vestibulum nunc vulputate. Nulla vel enim ac diam tempor blandit eu in
        metus. Ut scelerisque mollis orci, sit amet dignissim nisi egestas eu.
        Praesent maximus ac libero in rutrum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus sapien non sapien consequat,
        eget molestie erat consectetur. Nullam iaculis auctor neque ut volutpat.
        Curabitur consequat urna mi, ut tempus dolor tempus id. Mauris a nisl id
        ligula egestas blandit. Pellentesque tincidunt metus ac eleifend
        maximus. Sed suscipit hendrerit tellus nec volutpat. Phasellus congue
        vulputate felis sit amet sollicitudin. Integer tempus ornare magna in
        ultricies. Duis eu enim id nibh porttitor hendrerit quis eu ligula.
{# Text #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="text-uppercase">
        Uppercase text
    <p class="cwf-text--uppercase">
        This is an example of uppercase text.
        To make text uppercase, add the <code>.cwf-text--uppercase</code> class to
        it. In T4, highlight the text and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> T4_TEXT-UPPERCASE
<div id="text-lowercase">
        Lowercase text
    <p class="cwf-text--lowercase">
        To make text lowercase, add the <code>.cwf-text--lowercase</code> class to
        it. In T4, highlight the text and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> t4_text-lowercase
<div id="text-capitalize">
        Capitalized text
    <p class="cwf-text--capitalize">
        this is an example of capitalized text.
        To capitalize text, add the <code>.cwf-text--capitalize</code> class to it.
        In T4, highlight the text and select <code>
            Format -> Formats -> t4_text-Capitalize
<div id="text-muted">
        Muted text
    <p class="cwf-text--muted">
        This is an example of muted text.
        To mute text, add the <code>.cwf-text--muted</code> class to it. In T4, highlight
        the text and select <code>Format -> Formats -> t4_text-muted</code>
{# Blockquotes #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="blockquote-examples">
        Blockquote examples
            I am a very interesting paragraph in a blockquote that needs extra
            attention drawn to it.
            Name attributed to quote<br />
            Credentials<br />

            I am a very interesting paragraph in a blockquote that needs extra
            attention drawn to it.
            I am another paragraph in a blockquote.
            Name attributed to quote<br />
            Credentials<br />

            I am a very interesting paragraph in a blockquote that needs extra
            attention drawn to it.
            I am another paragraph in a blockquote.
            Name attributed to quote<br />
                Credentials<br />
<div id="blockquote-usage">
        Blockquote usage
        Manually add the closing quotes where applicable.
        The last paragraph gets a first line treatment of blue, bold and
        non-italic. To add credentials after name in t4, hold Shift and press
{# Lists #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="unordered-list">
        Unordered list
        <li>Unordered list item 1</li>
        <li>Unordered list item 2</li>
        <li>Unordered list item 3</li>
<div id="ordered-list">
        Ordered list
        <li>Ordered list item 1</li>
        <li>Ordered list item 2</li>
        <li>Ordered list item 3</li>
<div id="unstyled-list">
        Unstyled list
        To unstyle a list, add the <code>.cwf-list--unstyled</code> class to it.
    <ul class="cwf-list--unstyled">
        <li>Unordered and unstyled list item 1</li>
        <li>Unordered and unstyled list item 2</li>
        <li>Unordered and unstyled list item 3</li>
<div id="inline-list">
        Inline list
        To make a list inline, add the <code>.cwf-list--inline</code> class to it.
    <ol class="cwf-list--inline">
        <li>Ordered and inline list item 1</li>
        <li>Ordered and inline list item 2</li>
        <li>Ordered and inline list item 3</li>
{# Buttons #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="button-example">
        Check out the <a href="/components/global/button">Button</a> example page.
{# Tables #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="responsive-table-column-headings">
        Responsive table (column headings)
            I am a table caption<br /><span class="mce-table-summary">
                I am a table summary
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                    1:1 one:one
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                    2:1 two:one
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                    3:1 three:one
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
<div id="responsive-table-column-row-headings">
        Responsive table (column/row headings)
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 1
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 2
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 3
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
<div id="responsive-table-first-body-row-of-ths">
        Responsive table (first body row of column headings)
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                    1:1 one:one
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                    2:1 two:one
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                    3:1 three:one
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
<div id="unresponsive-table">
        Unresponsive table
    <table data-responsive="false">
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 1
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 2
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 3
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 4
                <th scope="col">
                    Column 5
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 1
                    1:2 one:two
                    1:3 one:three
                    1:4 one:four
                    1:5 one:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 2
                    2:2 two:two
                    2:3 two:three
                    2:4 two:four
                    2:5 two:five
                <th scope="row">
                    Row 3
                    3:2 three:two
                    3:3 three:three
                    3:4 three:four
                    3:5 three:five
{# Images #}
<h2 class="cwf-marker">
<div id="image-examples">
        <img src="https://picsum.photos/800/450"
            alt="Random image from picsum.photos" />
        <a title="link title" href="#">
            <img src="https://picsum.photos/1920/1080"
                alt="Random image from picsum.photos" />
/* No context defined. */
  • Content:
    // General content component styles
    @import "../../shared/reset";
    @import "../../shared/style";
    // Heading markers
    @mixin general-content__marker {
        &.t4_text-primary {
    $marker--padding-left: 1.2em;
    $marker--background-color: style__color(gold) !default;
    $marker--display: inline-flex !default;
    $marker--margin-left: -1.2em !default;
    $marker--margin-right: 0.2em !default;
    $marker--width: 1em !default;
    $marker--height: 0.75em !default;
    #{$reset__headings--selectors--lg} {
        @include general-content__marker {
            padding-left: $marker--padding-left;
            --cwf-marker--background-color: #{$marker--background-color};
            &:before {
                content: "";
                display: $marker--display;
                margin-left: $marker--margin-left;
                margin-right: $marker--margin-right;
                width: $marker--width;
                height: $marker--height;
                background-color: var(--cwf-marker--background-color);
                @include style__angle($marker--width, $marker--height);
    // Heading borders
    $marker--border-color: rgba(style__color(black), 0.47) !default;
    $marker--border-bottom-width: 1px !default;
    $marker--border-bottom-style: solid !default;
    $marker--border-bottom: var(--cwf-marker--border-bottom-width)
        var(--cwf-marker--border-bottom-style) !default;
    #{$reset__headings--selectors--sm} {
        @include general-content__marker {
            border-bottom: $marker--border-bottom;
            --cwf-marker--border-bottom-width: #{$marker--border-bottom-width};
            --cwf-marker--border-bottom-style: #{$marker--border-bottom-style};
    $marker--border-bottom-style--sm: dotted !default;
    #{$reset__headings--selectors--sm} {
        @include general-content__marker {
            --cwf-marker--border-bottom-style: #{$marker--border-bottom-style--sm};
    // Links
    $link--color: style__color(blue, accent) !default;
    $link--active--color: style__color(blue, accent) !default;
    a {
        font-weight: 700;
        color: var(--cwf-link--color);
        --cwf-link--color: #{$link--color};
        --cwf-link--active--color: #{$link--active--color};
        &:hover {
            text-decoration: none;
            color: var(--cwf-link--active--color);
    // Blockquotes
    $blockquote--accent-color: theme__accent--background() !default;
    $blockquote__marker--background-color: style__color(white-darkest) !default;
    $blockquote__marker--color: style__color(gray) !default;
    blockquote {
        --cwf-blockquote--accent-color: #{$blockquote--accent-color};
        --cwf-blockquote__marker--background-color: #{$blockquote__marker--background-color};
        --cwf-blockquote__marker--color: #{$blockquote__marker--color};
        border-top: 1px solid var(--cwf-blockquote--accent-color);
        border-bottom: 1px solid var(--cwf-blockquote--accent-color);
        $blockquote__marker--width: 3rem !default;
        $blockquote__marker--height: 2rem !default;
        &:before {
            @include style__icon("\f10d");
            display: inline-flex;
            align-items: center;
            width: $blockquote__marker--width;
            height: $blockquote__marker--height;
            margin-top: 1rem;
            background-color: var(--cwf-blockquote__marker--background-color);
            padding-left: 0.5rem;
            font-size: 1rem;
            line-height: 0;
            color: var(--cwf-blockquote__marker--color);
            @include style__angle(
        %content {
            margin: 1rem;
            font-style: italic;
        %footer {
            font-size: 0.875rem;
        %attribute {
            font-style: normal;
            font-weight: 700;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            color: var(--cwf-blockquote--accent-color);
        p {
            @extend %content;
            padding-top: 0;
            &:only-child {
                position: relative;
                &:after {
                    position: absolute;
                    content: "\201D";
            &:last-child:not(&:only-child) {
                @extend %footer;
                &:first-line {
                    @extend %attribute;
        footer {
            @extend %content;
            @extend %footer;
            &:first-line {
                @extend %attribute;
    // Images
    img {
        max-width: 100%;
        height: auto !important;
    // Tables
    $table--background-color: style__color(white) !default;
    $table--border-color: style__color(gray-lightest) !default;
    $table__caption--color: style__color(gray-light) !default;
    $table__thead--background-color: style__color(white-dark) !default;
    $table__thead--border-color: style__color(gray-dark) !default;
    $table__td--before--background-color: darken(
    ) !default; // #f1f1f1
    $table__td--before--color: style__color(gray-dark) !default;
    table {
        --cwf-table--background-color: #{$table--background-color};
        --cwf-table--border-color: #{$table--border-color};
        --cwf-table__caption--color: #{$table__caption--color};
        --cwf-table__thead--background-color: #{$table__thead--background-color};
        --cwf-table__thead--border-color: #{$table__thead--border-color};
        --cwf-table__td--before--background-color: #{$table__td--before--background-color};
        --cwf-table__td--before--color: #{$table__td--before--color};
        width: 100%;
        margin-bottom: 1rem;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        background-color: var(--cwf-table--background-color);
        caption {
            color: var(--cwf-table__caption--color);
            font-weight: 700;
            padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
            text-align: left;
        th {
            border: 1px solid var(--cwf-table--border-color);
            padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
            text-align: left;
            vertical-align: top;
        td {
            margin: 0 -1px -1px 0;
            width: 100%;
            @include media__breakpoint {
                width: initial;
        td[data-label] {
            padding-top: 2rem;
            position: relative;
            &:before {
                content: attr(data-label);
                display: inline-block;
                background-color: var(--cwf-table__td--before--background-color);
                color: var(--cwf-table__td--before--color);
                display: block;
                font-size: 0.75rem;
                font-weight: 700;
                position: absolute;
                left: 0;
                top: 0;
                padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
                @include media__breakpoint {
                    display: none;
            @include media__breakpoint {
                margin: initial;
                padding-top: 0.5rem;
        th {
            vertical-align: bottom;
            border-bottom: 2px solid var(--cwf-table__thead--border-color);
            &[scope="row"] {
                width: 100%;
                border-width: 1px;
                background-color: var(--cwf-table__thead--background-color);
                @include media__breakpoint {
                    width: auto;
                    background-color: transparent;
        thead {
            background-color: var(--cwf-table__thead--background-color);
            font-weight: 700;
            border: 0;
            clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
            height: 1px;
            margin: -1px;
            overflow: hidden;
            padding: 0;
            position: absolute;
            width: 1px;
            @include media__breakpoint {
                position: static;
                width: auto;
                height: auto;
                overflow: visible;
                clip: auto;
                white-space: normal;
        tbody + tbody {
            border-top: 2px solid var(--cwf-table__thead--border-color);
        tr {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: row;
            flex-wrap: wrap;
            margin-bottom: 1rem;
            &:last-child {
                margin-bottom: 1px;
            @include media__breakpoint {
                display: table-row;
                flex-direction: initial;
                flex-wrap: initial;
                margin-bottom: initial;
    // Unresponsive tables
    table[data-responsive="false"] {
        td {
            margin: initial;
            padding-top: 0.5rem;
            width: initial;
            &:before {
                display: none;
        th[scope="row"] {
            width: auto;
            background-color: transparent;
        thead {
            position: static;
            width: auto;
            height: auto;
            overflow: visible;
            clip: auto;
            white-space: normal;
        tr {
            display: table-row;
            flex-direction: initial;
            flex-wrap: initial;
            margin-bottom: initial;
  • URL: /components/raw/general-content/_index.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/general-content/_index.scss
  • Size: 8.8 KB

Serif font family is enabled by added the following variable to the :root element --cwf-font: var(--cwf-font--serif);